BizBritain Help & Support Resources

Evidence Required to Fund Premises

 If your business requires trading premises in order to operate, then the obtaining of the premises themselves will become a key focus for your business advisor or loan assessor. Simply put, if wit...

How to Complete Your Business Plan Workbook

In this screencast video, BizBritain business advisor Ollie Collard walks you through how to complete each of the 4 Start Up Loan workbook tabs step by step. The video covers how to fill out your: ...

How to evidence your ability

One of the most important elements of your start-up loan application is to confirm that you have the key skills and abilities that are required to successfully run your chosen business? If you can...

What is validation and why is it necessary?

Validation is the term for the level of proof that you have obtained, that sufficient demand exists in the market for your business to exploit and become successful. If you are able to provide str...

What is a back-up plan and why do I need one?

Before you take on a personal debtby borrowing money to start or grow your business, you need to be aware of the position that you could be left in, should the worst happen and your business fails....

What is your personal survival budget?

 All responsible lenders have a duty of care to their customers to ensure that an applicant is not currently in financial distress and can reasonably afford the additional burden of a new loan repa...

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