BizBritain considers a complaint as any expression of dissatisfaction, however it is conveyed. We take all complaints about our work, staff and levels of service very seriously.
Should you wish to complain to us directly, the easiest ways are:
It would really help us review and resolve your complaint if you can include the following (though we will always ask for these at later point if we need them):
We will aim to resolve your complaint as quickly as possible – ideally by close of business on the third business day following the day on which it is received but within 8 weeks. However, if the complaint is complex we may need further time to investigate it fully and if this is the case we will advise you of the timescale in writing. A written final response will be sent to you following this investigation.
If you are not satisfied with the resolution of your complaint, you may seek External Resolution where appropriate.
For further information, please see our Complaints Policy: