How Social Media Can Help Your Marketing Campaign

BizBritain By BizBritain
over 7 years ago 2 min read
How Social Media Can Help Your Marketing Campaign

Marketing your business is an essential way to find new customers and grow your company. The methods you use can make a real difference to how your campaign works. Traditional methods of email marketing are still effective, but there are also other ways to boost your customer base such as online marketing and utilizing new technologies.

Social media is an expanding platform that has tremendous resources for those looking for marketing ideas. This is because there are millions of potential customers scrolling through their feed looking for something interesting. Here is how you can make social media work for you.

Be Prolific

If you have a profile on any of the social media platforms, then you need to make people aware of your presence. It is important to post regularly so that people get used to seeing you and what your company is doing.

Surveys have shown that people feel more loyal to a brand if the company replies to questions or comments because they feel appreciated. So, it is important for you to respond to any messages you might get as soon as possible.

Ask for followers

Encourage existing customers to follow you and offer incentives such as vouchers or gifts if they like, follow or share your page. Once your regular customers start to follow you, others that are friends of theirs may start to follow you as well.

On email marketing and your website, put a call to action asking people if they know you are on social media and that they should follow you. Also, start to follow other people whom you think might be useful.

Paid Advertising

There is always the option to fund an advertising campaign on your social media feed. It will show an advertisement of your page on peoples news feeds. Although this will cost money, it will boost your profile and should gain you followers.
The other area you can use is an outside marketing company such as Click Intelligence. They can also manage your SEO and link building strategy to make you more visible online.

Social Media Events

To gain a good following, you should offer things on your social media feed that your customers cannot get elsewhere. You can reveal new products ahead of time, or talk about rewards.

Holding events is also a good way to get attention, you can host a live giveaway or competition to encourage people to share and participate.
Giveaways and contests are a great way to engage with your customers and get them involved. You can also hold surveys and tips and tricks to add value to your feed and offer more than just a brand.

Other things you can use are images and video to capture the interest of those scrolling through. Posts with images are more likely to be clicked, leading to a visit to your website.

All of these ideas are designed to help you attract visitors to your store and increase your sales. However, there is also an element of fun, trying to interact and engage with your customers.